Trees (again)

Hello readers today I will be talking about Verdi 

The title is Verdi. By Janell Cannon 

The main character is Verdi 

Verdi was scared to turn green a metaphor for getting old

The conflict is Verdi turning green 

The solution was accepting himself 

The role trees play is the story is being a home and healing place for Verdi 

The message is to accept yourself

 You should learn from this story that accepting yourself is the best thing you can do

thank you for reading.

Tree books

Hello viewers. This is just a quick post on my tree books. We made LA class (I know we made art in English class) but anyway, we made them from glue, ink and paper. And we used Brayers to apply glue on said paper and we also used gelli plates and added paint to make designs on paper then glued them to the tree

We them did a lot of writing on google docs then printed them out. We called this writing poems branches and roots the poem was about COVID, the branches was about our dreams for the future,and our roots was about important people in our life. 

We then glues theses pieces of writing to our tree. Then we used the prints we made and collaged with them we made a landscape with them.

After making this tree, its made me reflect on what challenges life has given me because  when we wrote the poem about COVID Covid is a very hard topic that I had to go through ( I didn’t have COVID) but it was something hard for me to watch unfold. Thank you Ms. Gignoux for helping me on this a project and making me reflect on what has happened within the past year.

And now I will show you some pictures of my tree.



Thank you for reading.

Trees and Smokey the bear

Hello viewers, I will be talking about Smokey’s the bear as well as forest fire awareness. So along time ago in Washington there was a forest fire by someone who either dropped a match or a cigarette but, it started a fire and when the forest rangers spotted it, it was spreading a lot around the area the rangers went to the rocks after the smoke became unbearable (pun not intended) but when the fire blew over the only living thing aside from them was a bear cub with bad burns. When he got tended to his wound and was healed he became a national sensation all across America to spread wildfire awareness.


And now 10 facts about the trees in the world


  1. A healthy tree can have a value of up to $10,000.
  2. Each average-sized tree provides an estimated $7 savings in annual environmental benefits, including energy conservation and reduced pollution.
  3. An average American uses about 750 pounds of paper every year, and 95% of homes are built using wood. That means each person uses the equivalent of one 100 foot tall, 16 inch diameter, tree every year for their paper and wood product needs.
  4. The average tree in an urban/city area has a life expectancy of only 8 years.
  5. Well-maintained trees and shrubs can increase property value by up to 14%.
  6. One tree can absorb as much carbon in a year as a car produces while driving 26,000 miles.
  7. About one third of the United States of America is covered by forests.
  8. According to the last forest inventory, there are almost 247 billion trees over 1 inch in diameter in the U.S.
  9. A mature tree removes almost 70 times more pollution than a newly planted tree.
  10. The tallest tree in the country is a Coast Redwood growing in northern California’s Redwood National Park. It is 369 feet tall and over 2000 years old!

I will now answer these questions


1)Why is it important to learn about trees and forests and the benefits we receive from them?

If we learned about trees and how they work we can learn about how to save them


2)Who is responsible for conserving forests?

Forest rangers as well as the people


3)What are you doing to help? (talk about a specific idea or plan).

I’m recycling 


4)How can you encourage others to do the same?

Tell them the effects if we don’t act now

I’m now going to show you my poster to wrap up the post

Thank you for reading today.


Hello. Today I will be talking about my tree that I adopted. But first I have to talk about how this happened. We started reading a book called Wishtree and in that book, names are a big thing about the characters so I need to talk about my name and what it means. My name is Cooper (but you know that already). Cooper means a maker or repairer of casks and barrels. English: occupational name for a maker and repairer of wooden vessels such as barrels, tubs, buckets, casks, and vats, from Middle English couper, cowper (apparently from Middle Dutch kuper, a derivative of kup ‘tub’, ‘container’, which was borrowed independently into English as coop).

I named my tree Lil Tree, a woody perennial plant, typically having a single stem or trunk growing to a considerable height and bearing lateral branches at some distance from the ground. I chose this name because he is more like a small bush and not a tree (I’ll show you some pictures of a lil tree).


I have a bug that I named as well. I named him Free because he is green ( I know it wasn’t creative I’m sorry) but he is a chill bug that hangs out near a tent at my school. Here’s a picture:


In The Wishtree, Red says that she/they are an optimist. Red says that Bongo  (who is her friend) is a pessimist. An optimist is a person who is optimistic about life in a lot of aspects. A pessimistic person is someone who is negative in many aspects of their life. I am someone who is not optimistic but not pessimistic if it depends on a situation. For example if I don’t do well on a test in one subject I’m good at I’ll be fine it’s just one mistake, but if it’s at a subject I’m not doing well in, I get upset because that means my grade will go down more.


Well that wraps this up, thanks for reading have a good day.


thumb prints in my class

Hello viewers, in my LA class we are doing a project on finger prints. So I will be posting mine here as well as stating a few facts about finger prints

1)Human skin has several layers, and each layer has sub-layers. A developing fetus is constantly straining and stretching these layers, which can snag on each other.

2) finger prints are used to find criminals they us finger prints found on crime scenes to match the prints with the person who had done the crime

3)Three diseases can prevent fingerprints from forming: Naegeli-Franceschetti-Jadassohn syndrome (NFJS), Dermatopathia pigmentosa reticularis (DPR), and adermatoglyphia.

4)Even after we die our fingerprints stick around, which makes them very helpful in identifying bodies

5) So far were aware of only a few animals with unique fingerprints, such as gorillas, chimpanzees, and koalas.

6) Rough tactile work like bricklaying and chemotherapy drugs like capecitabine can dull or get rid of fingerprints.

7) Apple created in 2013 a fingerprint-coded screen lock with the iPhone 5s.

8) Alphonse Bertillon was a French policeman and researcher who capitalized on the fact that each person’s body proportions are different.



Thank you for reading.



Lady and the tiger Project

We read the story lady or the tiger by Frank Stockton. But it didn’t have an ending so I wrote the ending here’s the story and the endings are below


Now let me tell something about how life sometimes isn’t glamorous and bold for it is much darker than you have been told sometime life isn’t as forgiving as it seems for the truth of is it’s is dark and Grimm so as the author to the ending I’m going to give you an ending that you weren’t expecting


As the acuessed steps forward and opens the door on the right the tiger leaped out and began tearing into the man the accused screaming “I don’t want to die! I don’t want to die!” The princess couldn’t take it any longer just as the tiger did she leaped into the arena not wanting to watch it any longer the tiger ate the princess as well. The king was in shock and there was a fullqufull of scream among the audience the tiger tamer had to clean up extra that day with his aloth rags on the ground the tamer says “I wish I was that tiger” his assistant asks him why as it came out of know were the tamer replied “ Because I would be feed every time I did a crime and who knows maybe a princess might go into the ring and I get another body to eat” the king hearing this sends him into the arena and therefore continuing the ashmadeablie kings arena.


Ending 2


The princess pointed to the left. Without hesitation the accused opens the door “saaaa dude” what came out of the left door was a man who was  6 ‘2 named Brycen “saaaaa dude I’m your new trainer, let’s start with 15 push-ups,” “what!?” The accused says “only 15 push-ups, dude I’ll do 30”.  After the accused did his push ups his new trainer gave him a protein shake and they left to play Call of Duty. The princess was heart broken that her love left to work out and play video games.


Halloween during COVID 19

Hello, hope everyone Is doing okay. Today is going to be a bit different because it’s Halloween soon ! Now this prompts a lot of issues like how are people going to trick or treat or how people are going to trust that people are going to be safe trick or treating. Me personally, I’m just going to buy a bag of candy and eat it while I play COD and rocket league. I’ve seen creative ideas to let kids trick or treat during spook-tober. Some kids are doing what I’m doing but some parents are setting up scavenger hunts. Some stores are making goodie bags for kids to buy and some are actually trick or treating. Leave a comment saying what your doing.

the eSports corner

There is no eSports tournaments that are taking place so I will be giving you  a recommendation. This recommendation is for a game called rocket league. Rocket league is soccer but with cars instead of players. I rate this game a 10/10 because it’s free the graphics are top notch and the FPS is 120 on console and 240 on pc and 100 on switch.

Hope you enjoyed this post and stay spooky!






The NBA Finals Discussion / & Black Ops Release

Hello hope everyone is doing well,

Today I will be talking about the NBA  finals. If you didn’t know, the finals were the LA Lakers v the Miami Heat and my predictions were correct that the Lakers won the finals. The Heat got sort of close but they didn’t win in the 5th game. The Lakers lost one game by 3 points but they won overall. What I find funny is that LeBron won the Heat 2 championship games and now he won against the team that helped boost his success.

The eSports corner

The popular video game franchise Call of Duty is releasing the 5th Black Ops installation and it’s a direct sequel to Black Ops 1 and it’s set in the Cold  beta has came out to people who pre ordered it and coming to the people who didn’t on Saturday, October 17 2020. 

Taken by me


Hope you enjoyed this post!


Covid 19 Among Players 10/5/2020


Hello hope everyone is doing okay,

as a lot of you know some sports have started up like football now it might not be the wisest thing to open up during a pandemic but who am I to judge. As a lot of sports fans know the football star Cam Newton has tested positive for COVID-19 and he’s not the only one. A lot of Tennessee Titans staff and players have tested positive for COVID-19 and has led them to reschedule games. This is a problem because it can interfere with the schedule of other teams playing the Titans.


The esports corner


The popular video game apex legends has gotten cross platform which means no matter what platform you play on whether it’s Xbox,ps4,or pc you can play with your in the battle royale game. Also Apex legends is coming to Nintendo Switch I’m not clear on the date yet.


Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the post!

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